Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Rockliffe Gardens

Greenwich council describes the Gardens thus:
'These pleasant terraced, ornamental and formal gardens have beautiful water features.'

This is what they mean!

Just made a video of this little local disgrace, I would appreciate any comments

Someone has made off with a nice patio!

Even the trees have graffiti!

As usual, Greenwich Council, which is so good at initiatives, projects and regeneration, is completely crap at looking after what we already have, they seem incapable of maintaining anything.

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At 9:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally agree. GBC should be ashamed. Rockcliffe needs a bit of money thrown at it and some TLC.

At 6:17 pm, Blogger Hugh said...

What is the music accompanying your video? I don't think I have ever heard it before.

Plumstead (minor) whinge - the relatively new noodle bar in the High Street has all its' dishes listed in the window, but there are no prices! It looks quite nice, but I wish they would let prospective customers have an idea of what they would be shelling out. It put me off.

Are we (Ian and I) going to meet up for a drink and a chat with you some time in the not too distant future? Catch you soon.

At 4:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh memory rush....
Many, MANY moons ago I was at Infants and Juniors school at Rockcliffe Manor School (um...about '77 to '80?) in Plumstead and lived in Wickham Lane (used to walk myself to school about a mile and a half, kids today blah, blah...) I can remember the gardens as a semi-magical place (ok I was a kid) but it had great weeping willows leaning into ponds and landscaped gardens (mind you outside was an "estate" of Prefab's, the last in the area?), I loved the place. Was very mysterious and had loads of little pathways and places to hide and have games in.
Remember thinking it was strange to have concrete round the edge of the ponds for some reason.
Strange what sticks in your mind.
Mind you shortly after that I became best friends with a boy who's Dad was the caretaker to Plumstead Cemetery so spent time playing there instead.
Explains a lot about me really.

Went there about 2 years ago when I was looking at cars at Kings Highway. Was looking very sad then.
If you go to Danson Park the garden directly opposite the Mansion House is very close to what I rememebr Rockcliffe Gardens was like. I have very fond memories, nice to be reminded but sad it's such a state.
Graffiti on a tree? Hmm, pretty funking pointless…dumbasses.

At 12:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We stumbled upon this (myself, Granny and 2-year-old bubba) on a gleaming February day and absolutely loved the place. It's such a shame it's not getting looked after by the council. We didn't even know what or where we were, there were no signs telling us it was called Rockliffe Gardens! We went back (with Daddy this time) and went on a longer meandering walk, again I'm astonished that such a lovely green space can be so neglected. But I guess the flipside is that if it was looked after we'd probably have lots of 'don't walk on the grass' and fenced in areas, wherease we were free to roam in a 'secret' garden which was completely empty of any other living person both times we went! Amazing.

At 9:58 am, Blogger pete43 said...

I recall Rockliffe Gardens in the 70s as a wonderful garden, with a little cafe to get drinks sweets and ice creams, it was an essential part of my romancing several young ladies! the whole Borough had very high standards as far as open spaces where concerned, now they have found other priorities for the cash they collect, what a terrible waste.

At 10:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there on Saturday the 26th September with my older sister. I'm sixty. We both remembered it as a magical place, with the water trickling down its grooves in the limestone blocks, the weeping willow draped over the pond and, especially, that narrow curve of steps hiding in the undergrowth (it's still there, but blocked by a fence at the top). Low-walled fish ponds, and that (I don't know what it's called) arcade of pillars with beams across their tops! The last I'd heard was that, years ago, the council made a compulsory purchase order when a motorway was expected to go through the area, then had left it derelict. Although the state of the gardens was depressing ... they've obviously been stripped back to a minimum maintenance state ... I was glad that such a beautiful shadow still existed.

I'm a little far away to help physically, but is there any local group aiming to bring it back to life? ... with a pond, especially!

We were very happy to see that the Ravine on Plumstead Common was being looked after.


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