As loyal readers will know some time ago I joined The Plumstead Common Environment (keep having to resist the urge to add 'al' at the end, must be something psychological at work there) Group, because I was fed up with the state of the Heavitree Close garages.
Well, after much delay, a painting by cleansweep, another graffiti attack, a wait for some paint, another wait for it to stop raining and I have finally done what I said I would do and paint the wretched stuff out.
So now all I have to do is keep on top of it and paint it out as soon as it appears. One of the current solutions to the problem is to get the little monsters to paint it out themselves if they get caught, but I would prefer a more radical solution, and that would be for local people to go round and paint our own tags all over the houses of the offending brats, that way we can all see exactly who is to blame and I bet a few more parents would have a better idea where their little darlings are. I think my tag would be ageing avenger.Labels: PCEG, Plumstead Common
well done, if only more would take a stand.
I notice the house prices have stalled again in the area; this stop start is rather annoying. What happens is that there is a shortage of supply and the prices rise, then everyone floods the market, then nothing sells, so people don't bother putting their houses on the market, then there is a shortage....repeat to fade. Im reckoning £250 for a 2 bed semi March 2009.
Hear, hear!
Sibonetic I salute you!
My view is slightly more extreme on the offenders, lay in wait then kneecap the Fu...fudging so-and so's.
The other day about 2pm on a Wednesday I was cutting the grass in my garden when a bloke walked up the alley and relived himself up the house opposite me's garden fence, after the shock wore off (afew seconds) I leant riiiight over my fence, luckily my garden is higher so I can see straight over the fence and strimmer in hand and my best commanding voice (almost 20 years of singing in bands I can use my voice to good effect!) as he was mid gush I buzzed on the strimmer which was about 6ft away from his back and said "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" (think Death in the Terry Pratchett novels, I was close). The "poor" bloke obviously jumped meaning...well use your imagination.
Someone in mid flow?
All over his trainers, his jeans and jacket.
I (inwardly) almost pished MYSELF laughing.
He apologised and said he didn't think anyone used the alley.
I was very polite but I think he was in a rush to catch a bus as he slunk away very quickly.
I hope he washed his clothes when he got in….
Nice work!
It looks a lot better. Let's hope it stays that way.
Well, where should I start?
My 13 year-old son decided that "tagging" would be a jolly good way to spend his time towards the end of last year.
He was caught "in the act" by the police on New Year's Eve and, because they couldn't contact me immediately, put him in a cell. They let me look through the spy-hole. He was absolutely terrified, had apparently cried the whole time and begged them not to tell his mum. Good!
The reason I was not immediately contactable was BECAUSE I WAS OUT GRAFFITI-BUSTING!
The duty inspector was in a good mood and my son "got off" with a Police Reprimand - to last five years or until he is 18, whichever is the longer (makes no odds as he is 13).
He was arrested again in May because a couple of tags he produced on 14th December were photographed, and the police have gradually been following up.
Each time, he was been photographed, finger-printed and DNA has been taken.
Luckily, again, the arresting officers were impressed by his attitude and demeanor and, coupled with the fact that this offence happened just before the one he had already been caught for (and was part of a rush of tags that, hopefully ended just as quickly as they had started), they recommended he be referred to the Youth Offending Team rather than court. I should state here, though, that each and every tag of his that is detected, WHENEVER they were produced, will be treated as a separate offence and escalate his route towards court and more severe punishment. Furthermore, tags that were made at the same time by others (because he has decided not to "grass" on friends) will be linked to him.
We met with a Youth Offending Officer for a couple of interviews. He, too, was impressed by my son's attitude but said that my son would have to spend four hours making reparation.
I suggested that he do this with the PCEG as part of their graffiti-busting project. The officer asked me to make the first approach.
This I have done. We met the chair and a couple of other members - all of whom were somewhat taken aback because my son does not fit in with the stereotype. Far from being a yob from a dysfunctional family, he is a bright, well-spoken, sociable boy.
He will soon be doing his four hours - although I am hoping his involvement will be longer lasting.
The especially good news is that the Youth Offending Team Officer is hoping to attend which, hopefully, will result in a longer-lasting relationship between the YOT and the PCEG.
Nice one Rev! I have noticed that, since my neighbour and I have been painting out the graffiti in our alley, the dumping and (to a large extent) the peeing also, has almost been reduced to zero.
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