Nick Raynsford
If like me you live in Glyndon Ward, (this includes most of Plumstead Common btw), if he stands again, our new MP will be Nick Raynsford as Glyndon is moving from Erith and Thamesmead to Greenwich and Woolwich. I find this very disturbing, because he seems to be a pretty crap MP, even when compared to profession car hater John Austin. I was doing some research on the Blackwall Tunnel fiasco about which I have commented previously and after following various leads, I came to the conclusion that Mr. Raynsford seems to do very little except coin in a load of cash for his retirement fund. I put this comment on an article on the excellent Charlton Average blog.
'On the subject of Nick Raynsford, (am interested as my ward is going over to Greenwich and Woolwich at the next election) he doesn't seem to have much to say about anything at all at the moment. Is he ill? or just plain lazy? Maybe he is planning to stand down at the next election and just can't be bothered any more?
He seems to have plenty of QUANGOS and directorships on the go
'I am currently Chairman of the Construction Industry Council and a Vice President of the Town and Country Planning Association, Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers and of the Royal Town Planning Institute, President of the Labour Housing Group and Chairman of the NHBC Foundation, the Fire Protection Association Council and the London Open House Supporters at Large Group. I am also a Non-executive Director of Rockpools and of Hometrack.'
all of which no doubt are contributing to his retirement fund. But if you try and find out his opinions of any local issues, there is a deafening silence.
He claims to have a new website under construction, but I can find no evidence of it. I can find no press releases from him since 1/11/2006, and not a speech since October last year.
He has only asked one question in this session of Parliament on 15/03/2007 about firemen's pensions.
He has intervened in several debates, but often these have not been related to Local matters, but seem to be either to protect his legacy as a former minister or as a spokesperson for the construction Industry.
I think the area deserves better.'
Seems I am not alone in my view, or even the first to question his work as an MP, found this post on the excellent Greenwich Phantom blog.
Am I being unfair? Is he just not communicating all the good work he does? or is he just a waste of space?
Labels: Nick Raynsford
Maybe with a spam as big as that he could be Londons next airport.
You might want to subscribe to www.theyworkforyou.com (although the site sems to be dead today). It will email you all of any given MP's contributions to parliamentary debates. Nick Raynsford seems to speak about once a month or so and was certainly very active on home information packs and the Woolwich crossrail station.
He was pretty strongly for HIPs, although only a cynic might point out the real beneficiaries of these would be (or would have been) new home builders with whom he has a rewarding relationship.
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