Went to my first PCEG meeting yesterday, have to say that I enjoyed it, lots of friendly people there committed to making PC a better place for all of us. As with any voluntary group, they can always do with more help so if any of you can spare some time to get involved that would be great.
I am not putting up this post in any official capacity, but just thought I could let people know of a few things that PCEG is up to at the moment, as some of you may want to get involved. So in no particular order.
The group has in the past had a campaign to highlight this problem, but that was several years ago.

" The group held a "dog-poo awareness day" in which we flagged over 900 offending "items" on the Plumstead Commons, hoping to bring dog-owners to a state of conscience about the extent of the problem."
Now they are looking at a combination of something similar, combined with pressure on the council to enforce the by-laws, this may, however be a problem as the council apparently only has one dog warden for the whole borough, and if this post on Greenwich Watch (05/03/2007) is to be believed, the by-laws have apparently lapsed.
"There was it seems a local Bye Law that allowed for prosecution but it expired last year. Our readers will be glad to hear that the Bye Law - when it did exist - was so effective it secured the prosecution of a grand total of zero offenders. Apparently this was because there were rarely any witnesses to the act itself - which is understandable as, let's be honest, you'd have to be pretty strange to want to watch a dog empty its bowels.
Never fear though, for whilst all dog owners can currently allow their four legged friends to defecate all over the Borough with impudence, the Council is looking at "options" available to it which will include a "strategy" for solving the problem. The Council expects to "allow authorised officers to issue on the spot fines to offenders" and it will be a "co-ordinated response".
If this is the case all the more reason to get involved, because if we don't nothing will happen.
2. Summer events on the Commons

PCEG always has a stall at the Make Merry festival (Saturday 9th June, Plumstead Common, 12 noon-5pm) where you can chat to members, buy lovely plants, take part in a raffle or two, maybe win a bike to get around our lovely area, and even join up, it only costs £4 to become a member

They are also hoping to be represented at some of the other events on the Commons this summer, these are:-

Vaisakhi Mela (Sunday 20th May, Winns Common (10am-7pm, though if we can get a stall, I expect PCEG will be there in the afternoon, If anyone knows who to contact about this festival and whether it is possible to get a stall there, please contact me, my e-mail is at the top of the page.

Asian Mela (Sunday 24th June, Plumstead Common 10.30am-8pm, but we hope to be there daytime)

Great Get Together (Saturday 30th June, Winns Common 11am-5pm)
3. Graffiti
For regular readers, you may remember that I signed up to PCEG, to help with this plague on the area, have still not got my tin of paint for the Heavitree Garages, but it is on its way. which is good 'cos last Thursday the goodwork done by 'cleansweep' was undone by another attack.

I was also really upset to see graffiti had been sprayed on the Tennis Courts opposite the garages, which is a real shame as they are a great asset to the Common, well used, well constructed and until now largely untouched by vandalism.

I would hate for them to become just another piece of decaying Plumstead Common infrastructure. One piece of good news is that the Local police SNT (safer neighbourhood team) has made Criminal Damage one of its 3 top priorities for the next few months following pressure from PCEG and Nick Day.
4. The old Post Office

(yes I know it has had new windows since this pic was taken!!)
There still seems to be much conjecture and little hard evidence as to what is happening here, beyond the fact that it appears to be being put back into use, though exactly what no one seems to know for sure!! (answers on a postcard please!!)
5 Prince Albert

Some controversy here so don't want to stir up a hornet's nest as I am a new member, save to say that given the councils schizophrenic attitude to the building, PCEG have asked the council to look into the possible incorporation of the existing building into the proposed new development at Plumstead Manor school. I may do a separate post some time saying what I think (for what it's worth).
So that's about it, as i said at the beginning, this is not an official PCEG communication, nor an exhaustive list of what happened, I hope I have not got anything wrong or upset anyone, let me know if I have, and if you want to get involved then join up!!
Got to tweak this a bit and add a few more links etc. but off over to see my dad now so will publish anyway and update later, not proof read so feel free to correct my English!!
It's all good.
Thanks for the info :)
yeah, well done, youre a gem blog gem!
I thought that I would return the compliment and post back to your Blog. I totally agree with you regarding dog poo and graffiti - we have similar problems in Erith, but nothing like the big open space you enjoy. I reckon that Plumstead Common could well become the next Blackheath Common, once the DLR opens in Woolwich. City / Canary Wharf workers will then find good housing and wide open spaces within 20 minutes of work. I expect property prices will rise to reflect this. (Great if you are lucky enough to be an owner, bad news for others of course).
I liked your comments on my Blog regarding ESC and Who - from what you say, if the two things were shown simultaneously, there would indeed be a massive rift in the space / time continuum - something I had never considered!
I did not realise just how many public events happened on the common - I knew about the Asian festival (I went a few years back) but did not know about the others - great stuff.
I think this has given me alot of food for thought, I can't get to these meetings as I'm disabled and its nice to be kept informed by you, please keep up the good work. Many Thanks
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