Graffiti seems to be on the up at the moment, took this pic this morning while taking Chelsea and Charlton for their morning constitutional. Its the Garages at the back of Heavitree Road, by the Tennis Courts.
I know that PCEG perform sterling efforts in painting over these 'tags', (think that is the correct term), but the problem currently seems to be overwhelming. However overstretched the council claim to be I really think they should be more on top of the problem. Especially in this instance, as it is their garages which are the eyesore!! As far as I can tell only one is actually in use, and the rest are in an advanced state of disrepair.
I am fed up with the council on the one hand saying, and I quote 'Greenwich has this year set one of the lowest Council Tax increases in London' and on the other saying they have no money to do anything. Either they should spend my money more efficiently, or for god's sake put up the council tax, so they have got the money to improve the area and deal with problems like Graffiti. Just letting things slide, only encourages the vandals. What's the point of a low council tax if the place is going to rack and ruin?
I have got one suggestion, how about pulling down the garages an replacing them with a Cafe on the Common!!
Now if I was to leave it there, someone (probably from PCEG) would get back to say that this is a community problem and what am I doing about it, and they would have a valid point. So I have resolved to pull my finger out and have already downloaded my application form to join PCEG and will send it off today. If you want to do the same then you can find the form at the end of their most recent newsletter, just click here
The power of the internet (perhaps), only 2 working days after my post, (and only 1 day after writing nice things about the council), and lo and behold shabby, decrepit, but Graffiti FREE garages, so well done to GC and Cleansweep, who were hard at work at 8.30 this morning. Am just waiting for PCEG to give me my tin of paint!! To help keep them this way.

Chelsea loves the Common almost as much as she loves food!!!
Labels: Graffiti, Greenwich Council, PCEG, Plumstead Common
A couple of years ago, a neighbour and I decided to paint all the gate and garage doors in our alley the same colour (having first acquired the agreement of other neighbours). The thinking behind this was that any graffiti could then be covered over in a couple of strokes. Cleansweep is contacted to remove graffiti on the brick and pebbledash walls - which they have done promptly.
The alley had been a popular target for graffiti and dumping (typically settees, mattresses and exercise bikes!!!)
This is our subsequent experience:
Upon painting over the graffiti, nothing was dumped for a very long time. Then, when something was dumped, graffiti followed very swiftly. Interestingly, when something was dumped, graffiti was not far behind.
Our painting out of graffiti has had a very positive effect in our alley - so long as we keep on top of it! We have shifted from daily to rare graffiti.
Hi dimps
thanks for your comments, what you describe is exactly what PCEG have done in the past, but I think they may have got dishartened, which is why I have joined up!!
The particular area in the photograph has exactly the same problems especially with rubbished being dumped. Cleansweep are very good at getting rid of that, but the real problems are that the garages are dilaperdated and an eyesore and no ammount of paint is going to solve that problem and the area is dark and secluded so that there is little danger of flytippers getting caught.
Long may you be undumpted on and graffiti free,
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